Have Complete Confidence In Your Scheduling Software

Our scheduling is fast, easy to use, and great for recurring appointments. In order to keep your business running efficiently, you want your scheduling to be top notch. Smart Service maid service scheduling software is the tool to help you do that. Your recurring appointments are where you make most of your profits, and Smart Service optimizes how you schedule them. By creating a recurring job with Smart Service, you ensure that job will always show up exactly where it needs to every single time. So when a new customer calls looking to schedule an appointment, you can see exactly where you have availabilities.

Your Business, Your Records

With maid service scheduling software, your records and business history turns into an extensive resource for you to use as you like. Smart Service records all specific job details for up to 30 past visits per customer. If your crews go to one location twice a month, Smart Service maid service scheduling software can keep their records for over a year. Never second guess what you charged for niche or hyper-specific jobs and don’t worry about keeping separate records for deals you gave customers; Smart Service ensures that your business’ information remains at the tip of your fingers at all times.

Manage Crews and Stay on Track

Smart Service maid service scheduling software also changes the way you interact with your crews. Your office can use GPS tracking to manage your different crews and ensure that everything runs smoothly with our mobile app. You can track how long each crew stayed at a specific location, referencing the work order to see what they did that day. The Smart Service mobile app also gives your crew the ability to email or call clients en route to update them on specific arrival times or unexpected pop-ups like traffic jams. Keep your customers happy and your business optimized with Smart Service maid service scheduling software.

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